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TecamySer®´s range of pumps meets the highest hygiene standards that dairy, cosmetics and biotechnology industries demand.

 Tecamyser® helical pump Kefir Range: includes three different configurations of available joints to meet the different requirements of each product.

Sanitary centrifugal pumps EHEDG compliant: suitable for almost any application need.

Rotary lobe pumps are rotary positive displacement pumps. Their two lobes spin in opposite directions to make the product flow between the pump body, cover and lobes. They are known for their hygienic design.

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ejemplos de casos de éxito

Dairy Products

Hopper Pumps

This installation is the result of a close cooperation between our Technical Office´s pumping experience and know-how of our customers´ applications. After 50 years of building up our expertise in pumping, TecamySer® has introduced helical pumps in new production processes, attending new requirements of different sectors. This has been possible because of the versatility helical pumps offer.