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Dam and lake maintenance

The dredging of hydropower dams requires equipment that can safely work in the deepest depths while maintaining high solid concentrations.

The critical feature in dam maintenance is to ensure the dam continues to operate without any interruptions. During the discharge of hydropower dams, cleaning of the discharge valves and coarser solids near the dams walls, is often required.

In both cases, turbidity is also a major concern. This water often passes through towns and adjacent areas.

Dragflow pumps and DRH dredgers have been specifically designed for these high depth applications. They provide unbeatable productivity by offering compact equipment with low capital and operational costs while at the same time ensuring an environmentally friendly operation able to mitigate turbidity and other risk factors.

  1. The extraction cost per cubic meter is lower than using traditional dredging procedures regardless of the application depth, thanks to its compact and efficient dredging system design.